While writing is not strictly linear, we can visualize it in a structured progression towards a final product for ease of study and discussion.
I. Planning Stage: Discover and Develop Ideas
- Select and Limit Your Topic
- Prewriting Strategies
- Brainstorming/Listing
- Clustering/Mapping
- Reporter’s Formula/Journalist's Questions
- Free-writing
- Journal keeping
- Prewriting Strategies
- Determine Your Purpose
- Assess the writing situation
- Product Specifications
- Assignment Criteria
- Creative Goals
- Overall general purpose
- to inform (understand)
- to entertain (understand & react emotionally)
- to persuade (understand & agree)
- to activate (understand, agree & take action)
- Central Controlling idea (specific to message)
- Clarify point/topic & subtopics
- Supported Thesis statement: T P S S S
- Assess the writing situation
- Analyze Your Audience
- Create a Profile
- Age
- Gender
- Cultural/Ethnic background
- Education level
- Economic/Social background
- Concerns/Needs
- Desires/Goals
- Understand Human Needs (Maslow's Motive Needs)
- Engage Reader
- Use Persuasive Devices
- Use Introductory Hook
- Create a Profile
- Develop Ideas
- Write a discovery draft (crummy first draft) to generate material
- Conduct research via formal or informal methods
- Incubate Ideas
- Organize Ideas
- Determine appropriate order
- Create a keyword outline for essay
II. Drafting Stage: Organize and Develop Writing
- Select appropriate expository techniques
- Description-use imagery
- Narration-tell sequence of events
- Illustration-use examples
- Definition-identify criteria
- Process Analysis-examine steps to completion
- Causal Analysis-examine cause/effect
- Comparison-identify similarities
- Contrast-identify differences
- Persuasion-appeal to emotions
- Argument-appeal to logic with evidence
- Convert keyword outline to a full-sentence outline
- Paragraph Types
- Special
- Introductory
- Transitional
- Concluding
- Topical
- Body
- Write a Working Draft
- Fill in details, evidence, examples as needed
- Develop wording of ideas
- Craft sentences and paragraph structure
- Select appropriate document format
- Essay (English papers use MLA style guidelines)
- Report
- Memo/email
- Letter
- Presentation
- Web design
- Promotional ads/brochures/flyers
III. Revising Stage: Examine and Evaluate choices that shape writing
- Global Revisions
- Use checklist for global revision
- Purpose and audience
- Focus
- Organization
- Content
- Point of view
- Paraphrasing, quoting & documenting sources
- Qualities of Effective Writing
- Order
- Unity
- Completeness
- Coherence
- Concision
- Writing Assessment
- Use S-I-I method
- Use Essay Evaluation form or a grading rubric
- Use specific assignment criteria
- Use checklist for global revision
- Local Revisions
- Major Illiteracies
- Sentence Fragment
- Comma Splice
- Fused Sentence
- Agreement
- Modifiers
- Sentence Variety
- Coordination
- Subordination
- Sentence Types
- Simple
- Compound
- Complex
- Compound-Complex
- Word Choice (colorful, colored, colorless)
- Tone
- Voice
- Denotation
- Connotation
- Proofreading (isolation method)
- Format
- Spelling
- Punctuation
- Typing
- Major Illiteracies
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