Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What to Include in an Ethical Argument

Sample Guidelines for Writing Ethical Arguments

Your essay should be a position paper, not a report. The paper must make an ethical argument in defense of a thesis. It doesn’t matter what thesis you defend, but the argument must be clear and coherent. Depending on the topic, outside research may be appropriate, but do not let that obscure the main purpose, which is to make an ethical argument.

There are several possible ways to structure the paper, including one (or more) or the following:

·       Articulating and applying principles (such as love, respect for autonomy, respect for persons, the principle of utility, etc.) to the issue or to cases.
·       Investigating how one or more ethical sources work to support a particular view: for instance, how biblical principles or a religious tradition or a particular philosopher/philosophical school can be used to support your position on a focused issue. Such an approach should be critical, that is, with an awareness of where the philosophical or religious tradition is unclear or problematic and how others could use the tradition in a different manner.
·       Contrasting the arguments of two or more authors on an issue.
·       Developing and contrasting the pro and con arguments for a particular position.
·       Developing and answering a series of questions from general to particular, or particular to general.
·       Establishing a standard of ethical evaluation: meaning, by whose standards are you going to argue a particular position: Christian, American, etc.

The reader of an ethical argument is looking for three main things in your essay:
1.     a clear and interesting thesis,
2.   your grasp and application of ethical principles and theories based on a pre-set and stated ethical standard, and
3.   logical consistency.

What to Include in an
Ethical Argument
The most important part of the ethical analysis is getting a clear grasp of the key ethical issues: what values, principles, moral rules, etc., are involved? What conflicts exist between them? How will you weigh them? To state the issues clearly is more important than reaching a decisive conclusion.

Your introduction should directly state your thesis—the argument you are going to make—and how you are going to go about it. Your conclusion should be equally direct: restate your thesis and how you defended it.

Develop your own approach to the topic. When building your position upon another author or source, be critical and judicious in the use of that source. For instance, don’t just list someone’s arguments and then agree or disagree with each one—that gets boring, and in the end, you have not added anything new to the discussion of that topic. As another example, don’t simply assert that the Bible prohibits killing; say what evidence you have, and why religious authors have made exceptions or adhered to such convictions (you could also relate the differences between do not kill and do not murder: murder is different than kill).

Advancing a particular position requires justification. That is, in an ethics paper, you are not simply offering an opinion or a proposal, but an argumentSupport your position by clearly stating your reasons. Considering objections or alternate interpretations is normally quite important. State these—fairly—and respond to them. Make sure each part of your essay contributes to the strength of your position. Check your argument for inconsistencies or self-contradiction.

Obviously, you also have to limit what you write, so state your parameters and work within them. The directions and topics assigned are designed to help you focus an argument, but they still allow you leeway. Whatever your focus, you should at least show how you are moving from ethical analysis to your judgments.

© 2018 by Jeanette L. H. Dick
What to Include in an Ethical Argument

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Essay 3 Cause/Effect Argument

Design and Development Handouts

· Know the Guidelines: Cause/Effect Argument Essay Writing—view the planning, outlining, and development handouts for the cause/effect essay.

· Sample thesis for a causal argument: this handout shows a sample cause/effect THESIS, the break-down of that THESIS, and how the essay would be structured to develop and argue the THESIS.

· Flow, Length, and Content of a Typical Body-paragraph: a specific break-down of what is expected in a well-developed body-paragraph of an argument paper.

· Need Ideas for Cause/Effect Essay??: this handout provides 'spring-board' articles and images to help you think through how you feel about the topic and possible cause/effect relationships. These are not scholarly sources. They are simply readings to help you understand different ideas surrounding the issue.