Sunday, May 31, 2020

See SAMPLE Thesis Statements for PROPOSAL ARGUMENT

See these sample Thesis Statements to help guide 
your ideas on how to structure a proposal argument 
on the social issue of the opioid crisis.

Sample thesis statements:
1.       America could experience a decrease in the amount of people who die through opioid abuse if doctors prescribed alternative methods, instead of opioids, to curb pain, if free rehabilitation centers existed for lower-income Americans, and if the church educated its members on how to minister to those suffering from addiction
2.       An effective way to fight the opioid crisis is to require opioid-producing drug companies to sponsor drug education for youth, rehabilitation facilities in local hospitals, and community outreach programs to help those struggling with the addition at any stage.
3.    With an ever-growing opioid crisis in the US, Christians are in a great position to help by showing God’s love through community outreach to drug users, volunteering to work on drug education in the schools and through PSAs, as well as provide more drug support groups within church facilities.
4.    In order to combat the opioid crisis in the United States, drug companies who manufacture prescription opioid substances must provide funding so that greater emphasis will be placed on community support, dependence prevention, and addiction treatment
5.    Many people who are concerned about the opioid crisis in America want stricter laws for drug use and less opioid prescriptions, in reality, government-sponsored community programs, spiritual care from churches, and improved mental health treatment for addicts is the only way to reduce opioid deaths in America.

Once you have created the thesis statement with essay map, you present the mapped, proposed solutions in the exact order as they were stated in the THESIS.  Begin each body paragraph with an assertive TOPIC SENTENCE that states a proposed change from the essay map.

Body paragraph 1

Body paragraph 2

Body paragraph 3

Body paragraph 4 (opposition to these points)


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Essay 3 Cause/Effect Argument

Design and Development Handouts

· Know the Guidelines: Cause/Effect Argument Essay Writing—view the planning, outlining, and development handouts for the cause/effect essay.

· Sample thesis for a causal argument: this handout shows a sample cause/effect THESIS, the break-down of that THESIS, and how the essay would be structured to develop and argue the THESIS.

· Flow, Length, and Content of a Typical Body-paragraph: a specific break-down of what is expected in a well-developed body-paragraph of an argument paper.

· Need Ideas for Cause/Effect Essay??: this handout provides 'spring-board' articles and images to help you think through how you feel about the topic and possible cause/effect relationships. These are not scholarly sources. They are simply readings to help you understand different ideas surrounding the issue.