Sunday, January 27, 2019

ENGL101 Classroom Handouts: Proposal Argument Essay

Proposal Argument
ENGL101 Classroom Handouts

Need help?  No problem! 
Use the handouts below.

The links and handouts for this proposal essay content are in the process of being updated.  If you are a student in my ENGL101 course and you need access to these items now, please send me an email through our Liberty account.

Links to helper pages:

Documents to generate ideas:

Documents to assist UNDERSTANDING the CRISIS:

Documents to assist with your writing structure:

Navigate the Proposal Argument Booklet
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Essay 3 Cause/Effect Argument

Design and Development Handouts

· Know the Guidelines: Cause/Effect Argument Essay Writing—view the planning, outlining, and development handouts for the cause/effect essay.

· Sample thesis for a causal argument: this handout shows a sample cause/effect THESIS, the break-down of that THESIS, and how the essay would be structured to develop and argue the THESIS.

· Flow, Length, and Content of a Typical Body-paragraph: a specific break-down of what is expected in a well-developed body-paragraph of an argument paper.

· Need Ideas for Cause/Effect Essay??: this handout provides 'spring-board' articles and images to help you think through how you feel about the topic and possible cause/effect relationships. These are not scholarly sources. They are simply readings to help you understand different ideas surrounding the issue.